[59], In the opinion of the American historian Tadeusz Swietochowski, "in his enthusiasm, Shahumyan might not have remembered that in 1905 he himself had accused the tsardom of reaping in benefits of the Muslim-Armenian massacres. "March massacres of 1918 were well prepared and ruthlessly implemented act by radical nationalist Armenians against Azerbaijanis on the grounds of racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing.". In “Baku organization of bolshevists in 1917-18” article published in 1923 A.J.Mikoyan had to admit: “March events also resulted in much more estrangement of moslem working” masses from Soviet power (“Bakinski rabochiy” (Baku worker), March 14, 1923, №57). Allies were found among the Mensheviks, SRs, and the Kadets (right-wing liberals), which promised to support the Bolsheviks as the champions of the "Russian Cause. Right therefore republic government adopted resolution of declaring March 31 as day of Azerbaijanis Genocide. This rising, instigated by the Musavat, set the Tartar and Turkic population, led by their reactionary bourgeoisie, against the Soviet, which consisted of Russians with support from the Armenians. In continuation of ethnic cleansing and aggression policy, Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as seven surrounding regions, making one million of the Azerbaijanis refugees and IDPs. Faithfully yours, Stalin”. Советская власть в Баку в 1918 году (Бакинская Коммуна). Certainly, genocide represents a policy, a campaign carried out against a group of people over a period of time and consisting of otherwise seemingly isolated massacres and bloodshed. Among those who responded were units of the all-Muslim Savage Division, which had until the Revolution formed part of the Tsarist forces. However, the demise of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic made it impossible to complete this work. Realizing that it’s impossible to conceal everything and aspiring to calm down Centre he wrote: “Moslem mass heavily suffered but now it’s consolidating around bolshevists and council”, that “oil is already at our disposal”. Soviet's statement asserted that there was a carefully laid out conspiracy by Musavat to overthrow the Baku Soviet and to establish its own regime: The enemies of Soviet power in the city of Baku have raised their head. Atrocities of Armenians in Baku. In spite of the fact that government of Armenia has probably reduced the statistical data, this self-incriminating evidence bears a lot of weight (“Crimes of Armenian terrorist and bandit formations against the humanity {XIX-XXI centuries}”, Baku, 2002). Tadeusz Swietochowski. “The March Events, as this episode became known to history, touched off a series of massacred all over Azerbaijan. The Muslim poor suffered severely, however they are now rallying around the Bolsheviks and the Soviet.[32]. [40] The fighting did not subside, however, till the night of 2 April 1918, when thousands of Muslims started leaving the city in a mass exodus. “As the Armenians found support among the Reds (who regarded the Tartars [Azerbaijanis] as a counter-revolutionary elements) the fighting soon became a massacre of the Tartar population” (W. E. D. Allen and Paul Muratoff, “Caucasian Battlefields”, Cambridge University Press, 1953, p. 481). The Armenians also slaughtered local Jews and Lezghis living in Guba," it said. No one really knows who fired the first shot, but very soon Baku became a battlefield, with trenches and barricades being hastily prepared throughout the city. http://myshusha.wordpress.com Due to the efforts of both the local Soviet and the Military-revolutionary committee of the Caucasus Army, which moved here (from Tbilisi and Sarikamish) we already had armed forces – about 6,000 strong. The March Days, March Events (Azerbaijani: Mart hadisələri), or March Genocide (Azerbaijani: Mart soyqırımı) was a period of inter-ethnic strife and massacres of about 12,000[3][4] Azerbaijanis and Muslims[6] that took place between 30 March – 2 April 1918 in the city of Baku and adjacent areas of the Baku Governorate of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. These words turned out to be prophetic. [64] At the Peace Conference, speaking before the Council of Ten, M. Aharonian, delegate of the Armenian Republic of the Caucasus, stated that the two and a half million Armenians in Transcaucasia wanted to cast in their fortunes with the Armenians of Ottoman Empire to form a Greater Armenia. In the meantime, to support Armenian resistance against the Ottoman Empire, the British government attempted to re-organize and train a group of Armenians from the Caucasus under the leadership of General Lionel Dunsterville in Baghdad. He stressed they “had to make use of armenian regiment. After restoring its independence in 1991, the Republic of Azerbaijan resumed political assessment of genocide of March 1918 and is committed to complete ADR’s unfinished attempts to bring about justice. The Soviet power in Baku has always been hanging by a thread, due to the resistance of Muslim nationalistic parties. It’s very interesting that on the eve of March developments “Bakinskiy rabochiy” newspaper published in March, 15 Lenin’s letter to Shaumyan written as early as December, 1913 where the latter has been sharply criticized for non-recognition of autonomy and self-determination right ideas (CW, v.48, p.233-236). They must never live on this earth” (A. Laloyan, “Revolutsionniy Vostok” (Revolutionary East), No 2-3, Moscow, 1936. Maricopa County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program The former took into account utterly complicated situation in this region, he demanded to solve very delicately and carefully most important problems (V.I.Lenin about Azerbaijan. No one really knows who fired the first shot, but very soon it had become a battlefield, with trenches and barricades being hastily prepared everywhere. On one side were fighting the Soviet Red Guard; the Red International Army, recently organized by us; the Red Fleet, which we had succeeded in reorganizing in a short time; and Armenian national units. While previously Azerbaijani leaders had sought only autonomy within the Russian domain, after the Bolshevik-perpetrated massacres in Baku, they no longer believed in the Russian Revolution and turned to the Ottomans for support in achieving total independence. Peter Hopkirk: alarmed by the growing military strength of the Armenians, to which British support had undoubtedly contributed, the Baku Muslims had secretly sought help from their co-religionists elsewhere. Armenia should be forced to ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and to restore the violated rights of refugees and IDPs. Although many years passed, that bloodshed has not been forgotten, and after the restoration of Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, then Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev declared March 31 as the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis which is marked every year in the country at the state level. It is widely recognized, that the 20th century is the most violent, vicious and turbulent 100 year period of history, indeed known as the Century of Genocides. Per armeno ¬ elenchi nazionali la presenza di persone di altre nazionalità, tra i quali è più terribile che il terremoto, la presenza di azerbaigiani essere più terribile in quanto sono più vicini. We dictated to them the conditions which were signed without reservation. In his recent book, researcher R.Mustafayev writes that on August 31, 1918, for the first and last time the Armenian government itself has declared that only in one year Armenians killed 400 thousand Azerbaijanis, 120 thousand Georgians, 15 thousand Turks and others – all just in South Caucasus. http://mykhojaly.wordpress.com The commander of the military forces of the Armenians was the same General Bagradouni, who, although he lost both of his legs during the fight, continued his duties until September 14, when the Armenians and the small number of Englishmen who came to their assistance, were forced to abandon Baku to the superior forces of the Turco-Tartars, and retreat toward the city of Enzeli in the northern Caucasus, The truly tragic turn of events came after acceptance of the ultimatum, when the Dashnakist allies of the Bolsheviks took to looting, burning, and killing in the Muslim sections of the city, 1918 massacres of Azerbaijanis and Muslims in the Soviet Union, This article is about 1918 massacres of Azerbaijanis. Come hanno appena stato espulso, in quanto la loro ricca terra, che può essere facilmente ottenuto da sotto il relitto del collasso impero, è situato vicino. http://mygubadli.wordpress.com The units of the Savage Division, composed of Caucasian Muslims who had served in the Imperial Russian Army, disarmed a pro-Bolshevik garrison in Lankaran, and Dagestani insurgents under Imam Najm ul-din Gotsinski drove the Bolsheviks out of Petrovsk, severing Baku's land communications with Bolshevik Russia. A few days later, on 20 September 1918, between the stations of Pereval and Akhcha-Kuyma on the Trans-Caspian railway, 26 of the Commissars were executed by firing squad. [citation needed], The March Days brought underlying tensions between Armenians and Azerbaijanis to the fore. [27] The Armistice of Erzincan, followed by the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed on 3 March 1918, formalized Russia's exit from World War I. Not the least was the fact that this time chief of Red Army’s headqu arters in Baku was Tsarism Army’s former colonel, member of dashnaks party Z.Avetisyan. "Armenia's Road to Independence", pp. S.M.Afandiyev stressed that “dashnaks slaughtered not only musavatists but also generally moslems…” (Nationalities life, 1919, July 6). However, the process had been halted after the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic was toppled after almost two years by the Soviet Union, and the full investigation of the tragic events and its political and legal assessment had been prevented. [68] The resolution was introduced by the State Senator James Alesi at the initiative of the members of Azerbaijan Society of America and Azerbaijani-American Council. [notes 2], The March 1918 confrontation was triggered by an incident with the steamship Evelina. It should be kept in mind that Shaumyan – “internationalist” regarded Azerbaijan nation highly malevolently attaching to it such labels as “Tatar (azerbaijani) mob”, “tatar ignorant masses”, “robber gangs”, “tatar ruffians” etc. We are sending comrade Kobozev to you as extraordinary commissar of Middle Asia and Baku. Rostom). In Azerbaijan, the March 31 is known as the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis, referring to the tragic events that started on March 30, 1918, and continued until April 1. February revolution and following October events, publication of such documents as “Declaration of russian nations’ rights” and “Appeal to moslem working people of Russia and East” were taken by Azerbaijan nation, intellectuals, national parties for opportunity of realizing “national autonomy within Russian Federation” idea. He considered azerbaijani nation’s legitimate and natural demand of granting Azerbaijan an autonomy as “dream of azerbaijani nationalists” to make Baku “capital of Azerbaijan khanate” (S.G.Shaumyan, Selected works. All of this accounts for Shaumyan’s behaviour in March days of 1918. Committing genocide over Azerbaijanis they represent themselves as innocent victims having been subject to genocide. If he knew about concrete resolution of Centre concerning autonomy for Moslems he would have come to an agreement with “Musavat” party’s leaders and solve the problem by peaceful means. In these terms the fact should be stressed that the latters consisted of armenians at 70%. 288–289. Search the Chronology: Click on the names of highlighted cities, towns, and other locations to view a map of the genocide. The contents of the ultimatum presented by the Bolsheviks and accepted by the Musavat: We demand the immediate end of the military activity opened against Soviet power in the city of Baku; we demand the immediate surrender of fortified posts and the destruction of trenches. Every Azerbaijani whom the Dashnak bands could catch was killed. Bağışlayın, sizin bloq e-poçt yolu ilə yazıları paylaşmaq üçün münasib deyil. [23] The Baku Soviet played out this incident into its favor against the Sejm. [64] Then they moved to form their own state, which succeeded in maintaining itself during the period of anarchy and famine that Bolshevism brought upon the Russian Empire. In Azerbaijan, the March 31 is known as the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis, referring to the tragic events that started on March 30, 1918, and continued until April 1. [notes 1], On 10–24 February 1918, the Sejm adopted a declaration of independence, proclaiming the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. March genocide – is a genocide committed by the Baku Soviet and Armenian armed Dashnak forces between March 30 and April 3 of 1918 in Baku and in different regions of Baku province, as well as in Shamakhy, Guba, Shaki, Lankaran, Hajigabul, Salyan, Zangezur, Garabagh, Nakhchivan and other areas against the Azerbaijanis. It was necessary to use the regiment’s services, and the victory is so much great that it slightly clouds reality” (S.G.Shaumyan. The Commission comprised of the best lawyers of that time representing different nationalities -- Russians, Jewish, Polish, Georgians, and even Armenians, based on the evidence launched criminal cases against 194 individuals accused of different crimes against the peaceful population, and, as a result, 24 individuals in Baku and about 100 individuals in Shamakhi region had been arrested for perpetrated crimes. Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutiun), Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein, Temporary Executive Committee of the Muslim National Councils, two and a half million Armenians in Transcaucasia, "Transcaucasian Counter-revolutionaries Under a Socialist Mask", "Pamiat' ob utratakh i Azerbaidzhanskoe obshchestvo/Traumatic Loss and Azerbaijani. http://myaghdara.wordpress.com [40] Left-wing Muslim leaders, including those of SRs and Hümmet Party, such as Narimanov, Azizbekov, Bunyat Sardarov and Kazi-Magomed Aghasiyev, supported the Soviet forces[43] During the battles, Bolsheviks decided to use artillery against the Azerbaijani residential quarters in the city.[5]. Stepan Şaumyanın etirafına görə, dinc azərbaycanlıların qırğınında Bakı Sovetinin altı min silahlı əsgəri, eyni zamanda «Daşnaksütyun» partiyasının 3-4 minlik silahlı dəstəsi iştirak etmişdir. Just in Baku that days were murdered over 10000 peaceful inhabitants, in Shamakhy-7000, Guba-2000, Lankaran and Astara – more than 1000, Salyan and Hajigabul – almost 1000. The bolshevist government was pretty aware of Shaumyan’s approaches to most clue points of bolshevist party’s national programme, his radically hostile attitude to such items as granting of autonomy, nations’ right to self-determination. http://20yanvar.wordpress.com On 27 March 1918, fifty former Savage Division servicemen arrived in Baku on this ship to attend the funeral of their colleague Mamed Tagiyev, son of a famous Azerbaijani oil magnate and philanthropist, Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev. After Azerbaijan regained its independence in 1991, the truth hidden for many years was gradually revealed. By the fifth day, although much of the city was still ablaze, all resistance had ceased, leaving the streets strewn with dead and wounded, nearly all of them Muslims. It was necessary for realizing well-conceived plan. According to the Decree signed by Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on “The 100th Anniversary of the 1918 Genocide of the Azerbaijanis”, relevant Plan of Actions was approved and is being implemented. Early in the evening, the agreements were signed and the bombardment stopped. BAKU, MAR 30 (DNA) – This year, Azerbaijani nation is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the genocide committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in 1918. Just in XX c. as it’s stressed in “Appeal to Azerbaijan nation in view of March 31, day of Azerbaijanis Genocide” over 2 millions of Azerbaijanis became victims of loathsome genocide policy pursued by our enemies in one or another form” (“Bakinski rabochiy”, March 31, 1999). The struggle which had begun as a political contest between Musavat and the Soviet assumed the character of a gigantic race riot. The Rear-Admiral continues, “I have it from absolute first-hand information that the Armenians in the Caucasus attacked Tartar (Muslim) villages that are utterly defenseless and bombarded these villages with artillery and they murder the inhabitants, pillage the village and often burn the village” (“Bristol Papers”, General Correspondence: Container #32: Bristol to Bradley Letter of September 14, 1920). Dəyişdir ). Even after accepting Baku Council ultimatum by Azerbaijanis murders and robberies by Armenian units continued. In many respects it was favoured by Avakyan, military commandant of Baku city who raised the detachments. Dəyişdir ), Facebook hesabınızdan istifadə edərək şərh edirsinz. Мужественный борец за дело Ленина, за коммунизм. Theatre of G.Z.Tagiyev being first one in the East was also burnt, Taza-Pir mosque seriously damaged. While the Temporary Executive Committee of the Muslim National Councils and the Musavat ceased their activities in the territory of the Baku Governorate, the left-wing Azerbaijani political groups, such as the SRs and the Hümmet, benefited from the developments and became effective leaders of the Azerbaijani community in Baku. Алиев Г.А. Доклад на торжественном собрании, посвященном 100-летию со дня рождения С.Г. A Yale University history professor F. Kazemzadeh, in one of the first comprehensive scholarly studies of the region in the US, wrote: “This three-day massacre by Armenians is recorded in history as the “March Events” and thousands of Muslims, old people, women and children lost their lives” (“The Struggle for Transcaucasia”, New York, 1951, p. 69). 49, 2001). For more scholarly accounts of the events, one might turn to the books by Tadeusz Swietochowski, professor of history at Manmouth University (“Russia and a Divided Azerbaijan”, Columbia University Press, 1995), or Michael Smith, professor of history at Purdue University (“The Russian Revolution as National Revolution: Tragic Deaths and Rituals of Remembrance in Muslim Azerbaijan (1907–1920),” Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. Presence of numerous armed dashnaks who inundated the city incandesced situation exceedingly. The letter began with the accusation that the Azerbaijanis, being the disciples of the Turks and the Germans, could not be trusted. "The Russian Revolution as National Revolution: Tragic Deaths and Rituals of Remembrance in Muslim Azerbaijan (1907–1920)," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. Shaumyan admitted himself that “by the II year since revolution the party had become the most potent one in Transcaucasus” (Shaumyan S.G. [51] Although the majority of the Commissars (the leaders of Baku Commune) were ethnic Armenians, two of them were ethnic Azeri revolutionaries, Meshadi Azizbekov and Mir Hasan Vazirov. History of Azerbaijan in documents and publications, Baku, 1990, p. 185; Before events in Guba armed forces of Baku council commanded by Amazasp Avetisov commited io the flames and completely burnt Shamakhy town (A.Balayev. He was also commissioned with leading over determination of this “autonomy’s” bounds especially of adjoining moot areas (Decrees of Soviet government. Stepan Shahumyan. However, in 1978, then-leader of Soviet Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev recalled the forgotten March Days in his speech dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Stepan Shahumyan as follows: In March 1918, the Musavatist anti-Soviet rebellion was raised in Baku, intending to strangle the Soviet Government. [61], Victor Serge in Year One (First Year) Of the Russian Revolution: "The Soviet at Baku, led by Shahumyan, was meanwhile making itself the ruler of the area, discreetly but unmistakably. Almost half of the Muslim population of Baku was compelled to flee the city.… Between 8,000 and 12,000 Muslims were killed in Baku alone.…” (Justin McCarthy, “Death and Exile. Yazı göndərilmədi - e-poçt ünvanlarınızı yoxlayın! [45] The same publication wrote that according to Azerbaijani representatives, Bolsheviks crushed Muslims with assistance from Armenians who wanted to "wipe out old enemies and seize their lands".

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