Recent findings near Lake Turkana indicate that hominids such as Homo habilis (1.8 to 2.5 million years ago) and Homo erectus (1.9 million to 350,000 years ago) are possible direct ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, and lived in Kenya in the Pleistocene epoch. Throughout World War II, Kenya was an important source of manpower and agriculture for the United Kingdom. [19], The Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. Relations with Somalia have historically been tense, although there has been some military co-ordination against Islamist insurgents. The operation effectively placed Nairobi under military siege. Irrigation is carried out on individual or on group farms averaging 0.1–0.4 ha. Article 5: The Territory Kenya consists of the territory and territorial waters comprising Kenya on the effective date, and any additional territory and territorial waters as defined by an Act of Parliament. [207] The Republic of Kenya The Attorney General, with several interested parties like the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Jubilee Coalition with the Law Society of Kenya and the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution standing in as friends of the court (Amicus Curiae). The 1982 coup was masterminded by a low-ranking Air Force serviceman, Senior Private Hezekiah Ochuka, and was staged mainly by enlisted men of the Air Force. Kenya has close ties with its fellow Swahili-speaking neighbours in the African Great Lakes region. [52] By the 1950s, there were 80,000 white settlers living in Kenya .[56]. Agriculture is the second largest contributor to Kenya's gross domestic product (GDP) after the service sector. [22][23][24] Some have said that this was a precise notation of the African pronunciation /ˈkɛnjə/. See The Standard Kenya's 'new' fighter jets cannot take off INTERNET, de Blij, Harm. Although Kenya is a low middle-income country, manufacturing accounts for 14% of the GDP, with industrial activity concentrated around the three largest urban centres of Nairobi, Mombasa, and Kisumu, and is dominated by food-processing industries such as grain milling, beer production, sugarcane crushing, and the fabrication of consumer goods, e.g., vehicles from kits. According to archaeological dating of associated artifacts and skeletal material, the Cushites first settled in the lowlands of Kenya between 3,200 and 1,300 BC, a phase referred to as the Lowland Savanna Pastoral Neolithic. The colonial government decided to hold Kenya's first referendum in 1962 to check the willingness of Somalis in Kenya to join Somalia[60], The result of the referendum showed that 86% of Somalis in Kenya wanted to join Somalia, but the British colonial administration rejected the result and the Somalis remained in Kenya.[61][62]. [143] Kenya's economy grew by more than 7% in 2007, and its foreign debt was greatly reduced. Most are admitted into the social sciences, which are cheap to run, or as self-sponsored students paying the full cost of their studies. [228] It was a part of the World Rally Championship for many years until its exclusion after the 2002 event owing to financial difficulties. In 1952, Princess Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip were on holiday at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya when her father, King George VI, died in his sleep. [79] Following skirmishes in the aftermath of the elections, 5,000 people were killed and a further 75,000 others displaced from their homes. It is observed by the authors of three 2018 studies on the site, that the evidence of these behaviours is approximately contemporary to the earliest known Homo sapiens fossil remains (such as at Jebel Irhoud in Morocco and Florisbad in South Africa), and they suggest that complex and modern behaviours had already begun in Africa around the time of the emergence of the species Homo sapiens. Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia. [208] [205] Other traditional dances include the Ohangla among the Luo, Nzele among the Mijikenda, Mugithi among the Kikuyu, and Taarab among the Swahili. [180] The UNHCR base in Dadaab in the north also currently houses around 500,000 people. [143] Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}1°N 38°E / 1°N 38°E / 1; 38. Urban radio generally only plays English music, though there also exist a number of vernacular radio stations. His family used his presidential position to circumvent legal or administrative obstacles to acquiring property. [94], In 2017, Uhuru Kenyatta won a second term in office in another disputed election. This election was marked by large-scale intimidation of opponents, as well as harassment of election officials. [57], From October 1952 to December 1959, Kenya was in a state of emergency arising from the Mau Mau rebellion against British rule. [173], Kenya had a population of approximately 48 million people in January 2017. [66][67] To discourage further invasions, Kenya signed a defence pact with Ethiopia in 1969, which is still in effect. A 2,000 MW powerline from Ethiopia is nearing completion. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 there were 65,000 qualified nurses registered in the country, 8,600 clinical officers, and 7,000 doctors, for the population of 43 million people (these figures from official registers include those who have died or left the profession, hence the actual number of these workers may be lower).[196]. It is usually cool at night and early in the morning inland at higher elevations. Shortfalls of electricity occur periodically, when drought reduces water flow. Republic of Kenya, ACtHPR, Application No. Those who complete high school can join a polytechnic or other technical college and study for three years, or proceed directly to university and study for four years. [131] Further, the wisdom and prudence of certain decisions of procurement have been publicly questioned.[132]. In the motor rallying arena, Kenya is home to the world-famous Safari Rally, commonly acknowledged as one of the toughest rallies in the world. It is the fictional memoir of a Kenyan of Indian heritage and his family as they adjust to the changing political climates in colonial and post-colonial Kenya. The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography 4th edition. This would create a direct and robust delivery framework for the Action Plan and ensure climate change is treated as an economy-wide issue.[168]. [89] In August 2010, Kenyans held a referendum and passed a new constitution, which limited presidential powers and devolved the central government.[83]. [218] Some elite Kenyan runners who cannot qualify for their country's strong national team find it easier to qualify by running for other countries. [101], The temperature remains high throughout these months of tropical rain. Nilotic-speaking pastoralists (ancestral to Kenya's Nilotic speakers) started migrating from present-day South Sudan into Kenya around 500 BC. Other than the public schools, there are many private schools, mainly in urban areas. [154] Roughly half of Kenya's 127 flower farms are concentrated around Lake Naivasha, 90 kilometres northwest of Nairobi. Kenya's best-known athletes include the four-time women's Boston Marathon winner and two-time world champion Catherine Ndereba, 800m world record holder David Rudisha, former marathon world record-holder Paul Tergat, and John Ngugi. [102], Climate change in Kenya is increasingly impacting the lives of Kenya's citizens and the environment. In cities such as Nairobi, there are fast-food restaurants, including Steers, KFC,[230] and Subway. The word benga is occasionally used to refer to any kind of pop music. Their current captain is Rakep Patel.[222]. Notable populations include the Swahili on the coast, several other Bantu communities in the central and western regions, and Nilotic communities in the northwest. [49] In addition, the Portuguese started buying slaves from the Omani and Zanzibari traders in response to the interruption of the transatlantic slave trade by British abolitionists. Kenia. Embassy of the Republic of Kenya in Israel, Zaksenberg Building, 15 Abba Hillel Street /17 Ha Chilason Street, 3rd Floor (West Wing) & 4th Floor , P.O. The estimated life expectancy dropped in 2009 to approximately 55 years — five years below the 1990 level. [165], Published comments on Kenya's Capital FM website by Liu Guangyuan, China's ambassador to Kenya, at the time of President Kenyatta's 2013 trip to Beijing, said, "Chinese investment in Kenya ... reached $474 million, representing Kenya's largest source of foreign direct investment, and ... bilateral trade ... reached $2.84 billion" in 2012. Coconuts, pineapples, cashew nuts, cotton, sugarcane, sisal, and corn are grown in the lower-lying areas. It is bordered to the north by South Sudan and Ethiopia, to the east by Somalia and the Indian Ocean, to the south by Tanzania, and to the Kenya has 16 major faunal reserves designated as National parks, National Reserves and Game Reserves administered through the Game Department of Kenya and by County Councils. Kenyans divided » Capital News", Ludeki Chweya, John Kithome Tuta & S. Kichamu Akivaga 2005, "Doing Business in Kenya – World Bank Group", "Tourism, travel, and recreation - Kenya - area", "Drought leaves two million Kenyans in need of food aid", "Got roses this Valentine's Day? By the end of the emergency, the Home Guard had killed 4,686 Mau Mau, amounting to 42% of the total insurgents. Further, 1 million Kenyans are reliant on informal groups for receiving financial aid. There are about 3,000 smallholder irrigation schemes covering a total area of 47,000 ha. Primary school is for students aged 6/7-13/14 years. [72] Kenyatta ruled until his death on 22 August 1978.[74]. [219], Kenya has been a dominant force in women's volleyball within Africa, with both the clubs and the national team winning various continental championships in the past decade. [164] Exploration is still continuing to determine if there are more reserves. The service, industry and manufacturing sectors only employ 25% of the labour force but contribute 75% of GDP. 81 on labour inspection in industries and Convention No. The Republic of Kenya is a semi-presidential republic in Eastern Africa. 28—Human dignity. The World Bank estimated growth of 4.3% in 2012.[145]. In November Kenya currently imports all crude petroleum requirements. Kenyan athletes (particularly Kalenjin), continue to dominate the world of distance running, although competition from Morocco and Ethiopia has reduced this supremacy. The supreme court upheld the election results and President Kenyatta began his term with William Ruto as the deputy president. Other attractions include the wildebeest migration at the Masaai Mara, which is considered to be the 7th wonder of the world; historical mosques, and colonial-era forts at Mombasa, Malindi, and Lamu; renowned scenery such as the white-capped Mount Kenya and the Great Rift Valley; tea plantations at Kericho; coffee plantations at Thika; a splendid view of Mount Kilimanjaro across the border into Tanzania;[149] and the beaches along the Swahili Coast, in the Indian Ocean. A few of these promises have been met. In 2005, agriculture, including forestry and fishing, accounted for 24% of GDP, as well as for 18% of wage employment and 50% of revenue from exports. Throughout the centuries, the Kenyan coast has played host to many merchants and explorers. Kenya's capital and largest city is Nairobi, while its oldest city and first capital is the coastal city of Mombasa. Kenya itself was the site of fighting between Allied forces and Italian troops in 1940–41, when Italian forces invaded. Kenya has not attained the level of investment and efficiency in agriculture that can guarantee food security, and coupled with resulting poverty (53% of the population lives below the poverty line), a significant portion of the population regularly starves and is heavily dependent on food aid. His novel, Weep Not, Child, is an illustration of life in Kenya during the British occupation. Agriculture and Technology. Ambrose, S.H. Legislative power is vested exclusively in Parliament. They utilise high technology and produce high-value crops for the export market, especially flowers and vegetables. At its height, its authority stretched over the entire length of the Swahili Coast, including Kenya. Kenya, call it Kĩrĩma Kĩrĩnyaga in Kikuyu, while the Embu call it "Kirenyaa". Through the Jubilee Coalition, the Bill was later passed on 19 December in the National Assembly under acrimonious circumstances.[118]. However, much of this growth has come from cash flows diverted from ordinary Kenyan pockets at the microeconomic level through targeted monetary and fiscal measures coupled with poor management, corruption, massive theft of public funds, overlegislation, and an ineffective judiciary, resulting in diminished incomes in ordinary households and small businesses, unemployment, underemployment, and general discontent across multiple sectors. The first direct elections for native Kenyans to the Legislative Council took place in 1957. Additionally, a distinct local dialect, Kenyan English, is used by some communities and individuals in the country, and contains features unique to it that were derived from local Bantu languages such as Kiswahili and Kikuyu. Harvests and agricultural production which account for about 33%[104] of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP)[105] are also at risk. 22% of GDP still comes from the unreliable agricultural sector which employs 75% of the labour force (a consistent characteristic of under-developed economies that have not attained food security—an important catalyst of economic growth). [214], Kenya has a diverse assortment of popular music forms, in addition to multiple types of folk music based on the variety of over 40 regional languages.[215]. Other important u… Because the operations of the armed forces have been traditionally cloaked by the ubiquitous blanket of "state security", the corruption has been hidden from public view, and thus less subject to public scrutiny and notoriety. [178], Kenya's capital, Nairobi, is home to Kibera, one of the world's largest slums. The effects of these climatic changes have made already existing challenges with water security, food security and economic growth even more difficult. Githeri is a common lunchtime dish in many households, while Ugali with vegetables, sour milk (mursik), meat, fish, or any other stew is generally eaten by much of the population for lunch or supper. Public universities in Kenya are highly commercialised institutions and only a small fraction of qualified high school graduates are admitted on limited government-sponsorship into programs of their choice. [200] However, the 2011 UNAIDS Report suggests that the HIV epidemic may be improving in Kenya, as HIV prevalence is declining among young people (ages 15–24) and pregnant women. A significant population of other wild animals, reptiles, and birds can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country. Despite major achievements in the health sector, Kenya still faces many challenges. At 580,367 square kilometres (224,081 sq mi), Kenya is the world's 48th largest country by total area. [76][clarification needed], The election held in 1988 saw the advent of the mlolongo (queuing) system, where voters were supposed to line up behind their favoured candidates instead of casting a secret ballot. As of 2020, Kenya is the third largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria and South Africa. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), formerly the Joint Admissions Board (JAB), is responsible for selecting students joining the public universities. 25 of 2012", Commission of Inquiry into the Post Election Violence, "Laws on Homosexuality in African Nations", "Here are the 10 countries where homosexuality may be punished by death", "Obama lectures Kenyan president on gay rights", "WikiLeaks wins Amnesty International 2009 Media Award", "Was extra-judicial killing of Eastleigh 'thugs' justified? [182] Cushitic groups also form a small ethnic minority, as do Arabs, Indians, and Europeans. [92] The crisis was reportedly over by early 2012 because of coordinated relief efforts. The 1983 elections were held a year early, and were a direct result of a failed military coup on 2 August 1982. Kenya is divided into 47 semi-autonomous counties that are headed by governors. Destination Kenya, a country in East Africa bordering the Indian Ocean in south east, neighboring countries are Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Locations often coincide with electoral wards. This was last seen in August and September 2011, prompting the Kenyans for Kenya initiative by the Red Cross.[152]. [112] However, there are several rather significant developments with regards to curbing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance, the establishment of a new and independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). While travelling with a Kamba caravan led by the legendary long-distance trader Chief Kivoi, Krapf spotted the mountain peak and asked what it was called. The most important of these was the Swynnerton Plan, which was used to both reward loyalists and punish Mau Mau. In 2014, the country's macroeconomic indicators were re-based, causing the GDP to shift upwards to low-middle-income country status. [51], During the railway construction era, there was a significant influx of Indian workers, who provided the bulk of the skilled manpower required for construction. Cricket is another popular sport, also ranking as the most successful team sport. At 580,367 square kilometres (224,081 sq mi), Kenya is the world's 48th largest country by total area. In March 1996, the presidents of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda re-established the East African Community (EAC). Kenya won its independence from British colonial rule on 12 December 1963. In 2011, Kenya began sending troops to Somalia to fight the Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. [190] There are smaller conservative Reformed churches, the Africa Evangelical Presbyterian Church,[191] the Independent Presbyterian Church in Kenya, and the Reformed Church of East Africa. (eds. In what are by Kenyan standards unprecedented revelations, in 2010, credible claims of corruption were made with regard to recruitment[130] and procurement of armoured personnel carriers. Popular Kenyan newspapers include: Television stations based in Kenya include: All of these terrestrial channels are transmitted via a DVB T2 digital TV signal. However, its dominance has been eroded by wrangles within the now defunct Kenya Football Federation,[227] leading to a suspension by FIFA which was lifted in March 2007. The Kenyan banking system is supervised by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). [106] An increase in temperature of up to 2.5°C by 2050 is predicted to increase the frequency of extreme events such as floods and droughts. The e-visa can be obtained through 129 on labour inspection in agriculture.[172]. Numerous disputes between the UK and the colony led to the Mau Mau revolution, which began in 1952, and the subsequent declaration of independence in 1963. Most working children are active in agriculture. [79][80][81] This election was a turning point for Kenya as it signified the beginning of the end of Moi's leadership and the rule of KANU. No. [207] A colonial order of gender emerged where males dominated females. Telecommunications and financial activity over the last decade now comprise 62% of GDP. The official residence of … There exists an informal economy that is never counted as part of the official GDP figures. [158] Other initiatives to strengthen manufacturing have been the new government's favourable tax measures, including the removal of duty on capital equipment and other raw materials.[159]. Lyrics are also written in local languages. [216] Most of these defections occur because of economic or financial factors. In 1994, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga died and several coalitions joined his FORD Kenya party to form a new party called United National Democratic Alliance. [146] The Kenya Tourism Board is responsible for maintaining information pertaining to tourism in Kenya. [30], Around 500 BC, Nilotic-speaking pastoralists (ancestral to Kenya's Nilotic speakers) started migrating from present-day southern Sudan into Kenya. [223] Rugby is increasing in popularity, especially with the annual Safari Sevens tournament. [86], Moi's plan to be replaced by Uhuru Kenyatta failed, and Mwai Kibaki, running for the opposition coalition "National Rainbow Coalition" (NARC), was elected president. This work, which included linking producers to wholesalers, helped to increase local producer prices by 20–25% in Nairobi and Mombasa. On Wednesday, August 23, 2017, the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts of the Republic of Kenya, the Fukuoka Prefecture Government and Kurume City signed a MoU. As of May 2011[update], economic prospects are positive with 4–5% GDP growth expected, largely because of expansions in tourism, telecommunications, transport, construction, and a recovery in agriculture. The numbers are estimated to be around 60,287 people or 0.13% of the population.[2]. Students sit examinations in eight subjects of their choosing. However, English, Kiswahili, and mathematics are compulsory subjects. After independence, Kenya remained a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. P. 762, HC Deb 22 November 1963 vol 684 cc1329-400 wherein the UK Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and for the Colonies stated: "An agreement was then signed on the 8th October 1963, providing that on the date when Kenya became independent the territories comprising the Kenya Coastal Strip would become part of Kenya proper.".

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